Big Apple bound

The Towson University Marching Band will participate in the annual New York City Veterans Day Parade on November 11.
Produced by the United War Veterans Council, the parade is the country’s largest. In addition to saluting veterans and the military, it raises awareness for organizations working to serve their needs. The band, directed by John Miliauskas, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this season.

Amicable Separation

Communication studies—long part of the Department of Mass Communication and Communication Studies—is now an independent academic department. In addition to a major or minor, students may choose a combined major in political science/communication studies. The department offers study abroad and internships, as well as a new Public
Communication Center. The major is now available at TU in Northeast Maryland (TUNE).

 Preserving the Past

The TU Retired Faculty Association (TURFA) has launched an oral history project designed to capture the institutional memory developed by long-serving faculty members. The project committee consists of retirees Don Forester, former TURFA president; Fran Bond, TURFA president; Ellie Hofstetter, librarian; and Peggy Benner, Reading Clinic. Once they are produced, the videos will be stored in the University Archives and Special Collections.

Outstanding Educator

Linda Cooper, professor of mathematics and co-director of Towson UTeach, received a 2018 Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics Outstanding Mathematics Educator Award in July. David Vanko, interim provost and dean of the Jess & Mildred Fisher College of Science and Mathematics, praised Cooper for an “excellent job of strengthening ties with local public school systems and developing a program that provides an unusually rich experience for preservice teachers.”

Reaching Out

In August, 100 TU freshmen and transfer students volunteered for Project Serve, a three-day community-service experience in Baltimore and Baltimore County. Sites included nonprofit hunger-relief organizations Moveable Feast, Beans and Bread, and the Franciscan Center, as well as the Gunpowder Falls Conservancy and the Irvine Nature Center. Last year TU’s Project Serve volunteers contributed 2,340 hours, providing economic impact of more than $56,000. Lisa Hill is coordinator of community service in TU’s Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility. “I get so much energy seeing all the work our students do,” she says.

New B.S./M.A. Program

The College of Business and Economics is offering students a chance to earn both a bachelor’s degree in project management and business analysis and a master’s degree in supply chain management through a new combined B.S./M.S. program that provides a seamless transition to graduate school for CBE students. Most can complete the program and earn both degrees in five years.

Regents Recognition

Susan Willemin, director of Disability Support Services (DSS), received the University System of Maryland (USM) Regents Staff Award—the highest honor for USM staff—for her efforts on behalf of students with disabilities. “The award is an affirmation that our work—both my work and the work of the entire DSS staff—is highly worthwhile and appreciated,” Willemin said.